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Beton Contact


Contact concrete should be relatively fluid to ensure a good bond between surfaces. Its consistency may vary depending on the use and environment.



Contact concrete should remain unchanged in shape and stability after application. Its stability may vary depending on the structure and layers applied.



Contact concrete should be stable and strong to withstand pressure and impact.



Contact concrete should have good adhesion between the surface and the filling material that will be used to fill the gaps between them. Adhesion implies the ability of two materials to remain together and not separate after a certain period of time.


Thermal insulation

Izoflex is a material with high thermal insulation qualities, which helps to retain heat inside the environment. This makes it suitable for use in certain constructions, such as roofs.


Rezistenca ndaj flakëve

Izoflexi ka një rezistencë të lartë ndaj flakëve dhe temperaturave të larta, duke e bërë atë një zgjedhje të mirë për aplikime në ambjente të rrezikshme.


Resistance to water

Izoflex has a high resistance to water and moisture. This makes it suitable for applications in damp and difficult environments.



Izoflex is a flexible material, which allows it to adapt to different shapes and sizes. This makes it suitable for use in various constructions.


About Us

Through our ongoing commitment to quality and customer care, we have been able to create a wide portfolio of products that include colors for concrete facades, corrosion protection, development and conservation of facades, and other products necessary for building a sustainable and aesthetic facade.

We offer a wide range of colors that can be tailored to the needs of any project. Furthermore, we offer professional advice to new clients in choosing the necessary colors and materials for their project. With our qualified staff and extensive experience in this field, we are able to provide personalized solutions for any request.

Awards Winner

Why choose us!

High quality

With a center specializing in the production and supply of color materials for concrete facades and a clear focus on quality and pleasant customer service.


Our company offers safe and fast shipping of color products for Styrofoam facades, ensuring that the products arrive on time and in good condition.


Our company offers advanced color application systems for Styrofoam facades, including advanced spray color application technology.

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📞+383 49 201 300 📩 info@refixeu.com 🌎www.refixeu.com

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📞+383 49 201 300 📩 info@refixeu.com 🌎www.refixeu.com

🔴 Vërtet shtëpia juaj ka vlerë, atëherë kur zgjedhja juaj është me produktet tona RE FIX! 🏠

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